Networking Info
IP Addresses
on the field, 10.TE.AM.xx addresses are assigned by DHCP running on the FMS. - robot radio, programmed by radio-configuration kiosk - typical roboRIO static (suggested by documentation) - FMS field access point (don't use this for anything else!) - typical driverstation laptop static through .19 and up (assigned by DHCP)
Netmask: use, because at the event, the FMS communicates from 10.0.100.*
MDNS names
open ports
The ports that the teams are able to access on the competition field are as follows; the rest
the rest are filtered by FMS.
UDP/TCP 1180 - 1190: This port range is typically used for camera data from the Robot to the DS when the camera is connected to the roboRIO via USB. This port is bidirectional on the field.
TCP 1735: SmartDashboard, bidirectional
UDP 1130: Dashboard-to-Robot control data, directional
UDP 1140: Robot-to-Dashboard status data, directional
HTTP 80: Camera connected via switch on the robot, bidirectional
HTTP 443: Camera connected via switch on the robot, bidirectional
UDP/TCP 554: Real-Time Streaming Protocol for h.264 camera streaming, bi-directional
UDP/TCP 5800-5810: Team Use, bi-directional
Control System Testing and Defensive Design