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The RoboRIO

The RoboRIO is currently required as the “brain” or master control computer in all FRC robots. Here, we collect resources on how to connect things to it and how to program it.

Basic References:

More Details:

Testing and Defensive Design

There are always several chief delphi discussions on making a robot more robust and avoiding common control problems on the field. Here are a few:


  • lets read and discuss those, and do the ones that we like.
  • Make up our own list right here. some things just copied from those links, some altered, some new
  • learn how to set up networking for static IP and for mdns
  • try out using an ofboard network router for classroom/pit testing (no wifi on the driver station laptop!)


control_system.txt · Last modified: 2018/01/22 16:08 by tell